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AeroWorld Pakistan

Route Network
Aircraft Type owned leased overall leased out on order Ø age
Airbus A319-100 light 0 1 1 0 0 3.1 yrs
Airbus A319-100 medium 0 2 2 0 0 18.3 yrs
Airbus A319neo light 1 0 1 0 0 0.2 yrs
Airbus A319neo medium 1 0 1 0 0 0.4 yrs
Airbus A320-200 heavy 1 0 1 0 0 10.1 yrs
Airbus A320-200 light 0 4 4 0 0 2.2 yrs
Airbus A320neo heavy 0 5 5 0 0 4.6 yrs
Airbus A320neo light 3 6 9 0 0 1.0 yrs
Airbus A320neo light SHARP 0 2 2 0 0 3.6 yrs
Airbus A321LR 1 1 2 0 0 5.2 yrs
Airbus A321neo light 2 1 3 0 0 0.8 yrs
Boeing 787-8 4 1 5 0 0 1.7 yrs
Boeing 787-9 3 0 3 0 0 0.2 yrs
CRJ 1000 NextGen 1 8 9 0 0 6.6 yrs
CRJ 1000 NextGen EL 0 6 6 0 0 7.2 yrs
CRJ 1000 NextGen ER 1 0 1 0 0 0.4 yrs
CRJ 200LR 12 0 12 0 0 26.1 yrs
CRJ 700 0 1 1 0 0 13.7 yrs
CRJ 700 NextGen 0 1 1 0 0 4.8 yrs
CRJ 700 NextGen ER 0 7 7 0 0 6.4 yrs
CRJ 700 NextGen LR 0 11 11 0 0 1.6 yrs
CRJ 700LR 5 5 10 0 0 16.1 yrs
CRJ 900 2 0 2 0 0 13.1 yrs
CRJ 900 NextGen LR 0 8 8 0 0 8.0 yrs
CRJ 900ER 1 2 3 1 0 16.5 yrs
CRJ 900LR 1 19 20 1 0 13.5 yrs
overall 39 91 130 2 0 9.2 yrs
Subsidiaries and Investments

This list contains all subsidiaries controlled by this company as well as all shares in other enterprises greater than 30%.

Enterprise Headquarters Country Rating Share Symbol
This company currently does not hold any shares in other enterprises.

Herzlich Willkommen bei AeroWorld Pakistan!

Interlinings: Wir bitten um vorab Information was die konkreten Pläne sind und warum AWP von diesem Interlining Angebot profitiert.

Unsere Hub-Waves: LHE 3:30, 5:00, 12:00, 20:00

Aktuelles zu AeroWorld Pakistan
Bis 04/24 befand sich Aeroworld Pakistan unter Kommando von China Speed Shuttle und gehörte der World Unicorn Allianz an. Eine Ära geht zu Ende. China Speed Shuttle verkäuft Schließlich an die flyVienna Gruppe.
- 04/2024 Übernahme und Willkommensworte der flyVienna Gruppe. Mit sofortiger Wirkung verlassen wir die World Unicorn Allianz und gehören von nun an zum Golden Wings Allianz Netzwerk. Desweiteren wird ab sofort wieder das Streckennetz weiter ausgebaut sowie mit den neuen Partnern verbunden. Die Flotte wird laufend mordenisiert und erweitert. Wir flotten Boeing 787-8 ein um erste Langstreckenziele bedienen zu können. Unsere ersten Langstreckenziele sind SFO und YYZ 6x pro Woche. Desweiteren haben wir weitere Mega Airports wie BKK und SIN in unser Programm mit aufgenommen. Ziel ist es die Airline weiterhin auf pakistanischen Boden auszubauen sowie auch international bekannt(er) zu machen.

Welcome to AeroWorld Pakistan!

We ask for information in advance about what the specific plans are and why AWP benefits from this interlining offer.

Our hub waves: LHE 3:30, 5:00, 12:00, 20:00

Latest news about AeroWorld Pakistan:
Until 04/24, Aeroworld Pakistan was under the command of China Speed Shuttle and belonged to the World Unicorn Alliance. An era comes to an end. China Speed Shuttle finally Sold AeroWorld Pakistan to the flyVienna Group.

- 04/2024 Takeover and welcome words from the flyVienna Group. With immediate effect we are leaving the World Unicorn Alliance and are now part of the Golden Wings Alliance network. Furthermore, the route network will now be further expanded and connected to the new partners. The fleet is constantly being modernized and expanded. We are fleeting Boeing 787-8s to be able to serve our first long-haul destinations. Our first long-haul destinations are SFO and YYZ 6x per week. We have also included other mega airports such as BKK and SIN in our program. The aim is to continue to expand the airline on Pakistani soil and to make it more internationally known.

General Information
Name AeroWorld Pakistan
Code AWP
Alliance Golden Wings Alliance
Stock symbol AWP
Headquarters Lahore (LHE)
Country Pakistan
Parent company flyVienna
Managing director FlorianKnett
Founded 2022-12-24
Rating A
General statistics
Transported passengers 10,068,188
Transported cargo 237,804 CU
Stations 105
Fleet size 130
Staff 8,294
Air Madras and AeroWorld Pakistan have signed a new interlining agreement.
AeroWorld Pakistan has opened a new station at Hamburg.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Denpasar Bali.
AeroWorld Pakistan has opened a new station at Ko Samui.
AeroWorld Pakistan has opened a new station at Hong Kong International.
AeroWorld Pakistan has opened a new station at Da Nang.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Osh.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Xining.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Lhasa.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Korla.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Yinchuan.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Gorakhpur.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Kashi.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Istanbul New.
AeroWorld Pakistan have shut down their station at Chongqing.
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